Become a Beaver, Cub or Scout
If you're interested in your son or daughter joining the 15th, contact our Group Scout Leader Martin Codling
Tel 07706 146 730 ​or Email mcodling4115@gmail.com
Beavers colonies: Â Ages 6 to 8
Thursdays 5 - 6pm or 6.30 - 7.30pm
Cubs pack: Ages 8 to 10½
Tuesdays 6.30 - 8pm
Scout troops: Ages 10½ to 14
Mondays or Wednesdays 7.00 - 8:30 pm
All Leaders are dedicated, committed and enthusiastic. Â All are DBS checked and First Aid trained. We have parent helpers, and new volunteers are always welcome.
Subs are £12.00 per calendar month taken by standing order. This fee covers our Scout Association membership fee, insurances, badges, hall upkeep and utilities. We also ask for a Gift Aid declaration from all new members.
Activities and camps are charged accordingly and costs are kept to a minimum due to our fundraising. We're committed to ensuring that all children have an equal opportunity to take part in activities and finances should not be a barrier. You can speak in confidence with a Leader to discuss any concerns you may have.
More Information on Scouting
Further information about scouting can be found on the main Scout website www.scouts.org.uk